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Zoli Antonio

Zoli Kronos

Kronos Black Broken

The creation of the over-and-under Zoli Kronos is the result of both extensive research and refinement, on behalf of our passionate and expert technicians. The Zoli Kronos has set new standards in terms of performance, reliability, comfort, ergonomics and style. The Kronos is recognised as a gun with a combination of dynamic and ballistics skills which integrate perfectly together.

The Kronos is fitted with a monoblock action made of forged stainless steel, with a detachable trigger group, Boss-type lock and a fully interchangeable stock. Its balanced design means that the Kronos is comfortable to hold, shoot and control with ease. It also boasts great ballistics, a widely recognised feature of all Zoli guns – ensuring state- of-the-art performance.

• Monolithic frame
• Detachable trigger group
• SST or ST
• Ejector
• Golden model name
• Trap & Sporting stock and fore-end options
• Multi or Fix chokes

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